Thursday, September 22, 2011

What a day.

Woke up feeling yucky.  Decided to take a bath.  My 22-month old wanted to join me but I wouldn't let him in the bathroom, so he took matters into his own hands.  Afterwards,  I found him in the other bathtub (thank goodness), covered in red liquid body soap head-to-toe.  He only forgot one key ingredient...the WATER!  Oh yeah, and he forgot to take his clothes off too.  Maybe next time I'll consider letting him join me...hhhmmmm...actually no, not a chance.

Tried to take a nap, got woken up  Wait, not actually woken up since I never got to sleep.

Tried to withdraw money from an ATM today, turns out my card just expired so the machine ate it.

Sold something on ebay (woohoo!) and took it to the post office to mail.  When I got home, I found half of what I sold laying on my living room floor.  Apparently one of my children (most likely the aforementioned 22-month old) took it out of the box before I got it taped up.  Dang it!  Now I gotta run to the post office AGAIN and pay for shipping AGAIN!

Oh yeah, and did I mention my husband is staying at the Hyatt on Huntington beach right now, childless?  Boy, a "working" life sure seems hard.

Can someone feel bad for me now?

The best thing that happened today?  My friend watched my kids while I went grocery shopping by myself.  Thank you Chayse and Allison :)


  1. Amber, I know I am just your mom. And Mom's are too old to relate to the younger generation right???? Wrong......this is just how I felt when your Dad would travel to England and Austria for two weeks at a time, not to mention when he was gone every year around Thanksgiving and Christmas. While I did all the shopping and holiday decorating, and running children to school, dance, soccer games, piano lessons, church activities,etc, etc. He was off working and traveling to foreign countries,site seeing, and when he came home I would get to see video's of neat Castles, and Abby's and beautiful countrysides. Then he would come home and say sorry but I have a volleyball game tonight. Or he would come home from work and tell me how highly his boss thought of his work and how he got a bonus for doing such a good job on a project or something, and I would think "Man, I wish someone would pat me on the back and give me a bonus for being a good Mom, keeping a clean house, being a good volunteer at school, a good chauffeur, a good cook, nurse, etc etc. But like you said you have to look for the good everyday and just savor the cute things that the kids say and do and realize that it is a blessing too, that your husband has a good job and you have the luxury to stay at home with those precious kids. But I do know and can sympathize with hard days. I still remember them very well! Motherhood is the hardest job EVER but it is also the most rewarding job too. Love you! Mom

  2. I think all of us can relate to these posts Amber! It's a great feeling to know you're not along....I think I wear makeup a few times a week now, shower hopefully every other day, go to the store with kids in pj's, and all the other things that only belonged in the "frumpy mom" category. Well, be that as it may, I'm happy doing it. I'm probably not pretty doing it, but at least I'm happy. Frumpy moms unite! :)

  3. For sure. When I am home alone with the kids while Seth is out on scouting adventures. I am kinda jealous. I am hoping this will soon pass. But for now I am thinking alot about what Pres. Uchdtorf said. "Forget Me Not" talk. Wish you lived closer so we could go and do mommy stuff together.
