Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Moments that matter

Just put my sweet 3 month old baby to bed.  Wrapped her up tight, turned off the light, squeezed her musical glow worm and softly whispered "nite nite".  With an orange glow brushing across her face, she looked up at me with her big round eyes and shared the sweetest smile a mother ever saw.  It felt as if pure joy was penetrating my soul.  She was communicating, the best way she knew how.  She was saying "Thanks mom, I love you too."  So pure, so precious.  I soaked it up and smiled right back at her, our gazes fixed on one another.  Those are the joys of motherhood. Those are the moments that make it all worth it.  (Side note: all of this was written while precious baby cries herself to sleep in the background, screaming out "Mom! I want my binky [a.k.a. my nipple]!"  Good thing I have this moment to hold onto, to get me through it.)

Grab hold of the moments with your children, savor them, bask in them, elongate them, write them down, take a picture or video of them.  Make them last, because if you don't they'll get overrun by life, the "to do's", the crying or whining or messes or whatever else young children have to offer.  And you'll miss the joy of motherhood.  ( is now quietly sleeping...another moment to savor :)

Watch this awesome video about savoring the moments in life.  It will make you happy and uplift your soul.  I promise you 3 minutes well spent.  It may take a minute to load, or click HERE to see it on youtube.

1 comment:

  1. I love Mormom messages. They always seem to put things into perspective and make me feel better about not being perfect, and just doing my best. Amber, I had five babies. Only one would take a pacifier. And I think I spent a fortune on pacifiers and hours trying to get my babies to take them.
